Registration for the 1999/2000 season

Welcome to the registration page for the 1999/2000 IAF1GPC season. You will face three pages where you can register a new team in any of the series as well as you can add a new driver to a team that still has free seats. Please check the details you entered carefully before succeeding to the next page by clicking the button at the end of the page. You may change some of the data after you completed the registration, using this form, but if you want to change something that cannot be edited using these forms, you need to mail the admin about it. Thanks.

Newcomers: Before you fill in this form, please make sure you read the introduction to find out what else needs to be done before you can take part in the championship.

Who is registering?

Real Name: (required)
E-Mail Address: (required)

You want to...

...create a new IAF1GPC team for the   Ace series
  Pro series
  Beginner series

...update team data for an existing team from the   Ace series
  Pro series
  Beginner series

ICRegister-Scripts by Markus Kruggel 1998

Last modified: Saturday 09 October 1999 - 20:05